Saturday 7 May 2016

Kizhi Island

Involved therein are two large chapels – the 22-dome Cathedral of the Transfiguration and the nine-dome Cathedral of the Intercession – and an octagonal in shape bell-tower designed specifically from timber in an structural style once common throughout north European federation and areas of Scandinavia.

At over 120-feet-tall, the Cathedral of the Transfiguration appears out most remarkably, and has a nave stuffed with iconography of team from the traditional trust. Used in specifically in summer time time when far-flung multiple the serious would collect at Kizhi’s pogost, the relatively easier Cathedral of the Intercession covered small sized number of followers whose figures would decrease in winter weather.

Experts have old from the of the components themselves to 1713-1714, though the titles of the employees stay unidentified. A local tale informs of Kizhi’s main designer having used a single axe for the length, only to throw it into Onega’s rich waters upon completing and announce, “There was not and will be not another one to suit it.”

While common of ancient and post-medieval traditional agreements of the period, coming across such components today is anything but. Set against a scenery of big air shown in relaxing pond rich waters, or winter seasons whose snows keep the belled domes as the only indication of life for kilometers, Kizhi comes across as otherworldly.

In 1990, the Kizhi pogost was in the UNESCO list of World Culture sites and in 1993 detailed as a European Social Culture site, where guests are able to discover the components in an open-air art gallery devoted to the exclusive record, structure, and ethnography of the area. 

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